等待 —— waitting

24 年 8 月 30 日 星期五
744 字
4 分钟


Everyone will die


This word "death" is very heavy. In fact, it is also very light. What lies behind death? Is it a new beginning or a real end? I believe more that death is a new journey


I lost my job this summer vacation. I also mentioned it in my previous article


In September, my grandfather is about to embark on his new journey!

If one day I am old 如果有一天我老了

and have to leave you 不得不离开你

please don't be sad and don't cry 请你不要悲伤不要哭泣

This is a new journey 这是一个新的旅程

Please give me some encouragement 请给我一些鼓励

Just remember how much I love you 只要记住我是多么的爱你

Please remember how much I love you 请你记住我是多么的爱你



I am waiting for a new job


My family is waiting for news of grandfather's departure.


Is death frightening?


My answer is, yes.


My life has not yet unfolded. I haven't enjoyed this beautiful world. I haven't fulfilled my dreams. Although I am a bit lost now. Find a direction and go to an island as soon as possible to replenish my supplies


My grandfather hasn't eaten for several days. It is said that it has been 11 days. He has had intravenous drip for five days and has survived until now. On the sixth day, he was very resistant to having intravenous drip


He doesn't remember us anymore.


He can't speak anymore. I still vaguely remember that when I came back in May this year, he could still speak normally. As always, he urged me to go home. Today is August 30th. He can't speak anymore. There are only simple cries. Although there is no specific judgment from the hospital, we already know that he has Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as senile dementia. However, he is 96 years old this year. Definitely a long life! Today, I am watching over him at his home. I am waiting...


I think this is destined.

文章标题:等待 —— waitting




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